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1. Baby & Child Calm 100ml Brauer
2. Calm 200ml Brauer
3. Calm 20ml Brauer
4. Calm 60 Tabs Brauer
5. Calm 500ml Brauer

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the eco shop :: Homoeopathy :: Stress & Anxiety

Stress-related disorders encompass a broad array of conditions, including psychological disorders (e.g.,depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder) and other types of emotional strain (e.g., dissatisfaction, fatigue, tension, etc.), maladaptive behaviors (e.g., aggression , substance abuse), and cognitive impairment (e.g., concentration and memory problems).

Stress & Anxiety
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Baby & Child Calm 100ml Brauer
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Baby & Child Calm 100ml Brauer

includes Passionflower, which is traditionally used in homeopathic medicine to work with your child’s body, helping to soothe irritability, restlessness and sleeplessness.

Market price: AUD 22.95
Our price: AUD 20.65 save 10%

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Calm 200ml Brauer
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Calm 200ml Brauer

Includes ingredients such as Passionflower and Zinc which are traditionally used in homeopathic medicine to help relieve stress and mild anxiety. Calm may therefore help you to relax and unwind, helping you to cope better with the effects of stress and provide temporary relief from symptoms inclu...

Market price: AUD 26.95
Our price: AUD 24.25 save 10%

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Calm 20ml Brauer
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Calm 20ml Brauer

Includes ingredients such as Passionflower and Zinc which are traditionally used in homeopathic medicine to help relieve stress and mild anxiety. Calm may therefore help you to relax and unwind, helping you to cope better with the effects of stress and provide temporary relief from symptoms inclu...

Market price: AUD 27.95
Our price: AUD 25.15 save 10%

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Calm 500ml Brauer
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Calm 500ml Brauer

Gently relaxes and helps you to unwind, so you can cope better with the effects of stress and mild anxiety such as tension, irritability, restlessness and insomnia.

Market price: AUD 43.95
Our price: AUD 39.55 save 10%
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Calm 60 Tabs Brauer
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Calm 60 Tabs Brauer

Gently relaxes and helps you to unwind, so you can cope better with the effects of stress and mild anxiety such as tension, irritability, restlessness and insomnia.

Market price: AUD 26.95
Our price: AUD 24.25 save 10%

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Combination 5 - Nerve Tonic 125 Tabs Schuessler Tissue Salts
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Combination 5 - Nerve Tonic 125 Tabs Schuessler Tissue Salts

For anxiety,neuralgic pain and general debility.

Market price: AUD 14.95
Our price: AUD 13.45 save 10%

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Kali Phos - Nerve Tonic 125 Tabs Schuessler Tissue Salts
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Kali Phos - Nerve Tonic 125 Tabs Schuessler Tissue Salts

For nervous tension, depression and irritability.

Market price: AUD 14.95
Our price: AUD 13.45 save 10%

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