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the eco shop :: Vitamins :: D :: Vitamin D3 1000iu 400 Caps Blooms

Vitamin D3 1000iu 400 Caps Blooms
Vitamin D3 1000iu 400 Caps Blooms 
Beneficial for

Absorption of Calcium: osteoporosis, maintain healthy bones and teeth, increase muscle strength, important for absorption of other minerals such as phosphorus
Muscle Strength: helps reduce falls in the elderly
Osteoarthritis: sufferers shown to be low in Vitamin D

Vitamin D3 used as it is more effective in raising blood levels of vitamin D than vitamin D2
Vitamin D3 increases absorption of calcium whereas Vitamin D2 does not
Vitamin D3 binds to plasma proteins and isn’t excreted as easily from the body
Dose based on clinical evidence
Vitamin D3 in its natural oily form
Therapeutic Benefits

Vitamin D is required for the regulation of the minerals calcium and phosphorus found in the body. This regulation plays an important role in maintaining the proper bone structure and healthy teeth. Vitamin D helps with calcium absorption; a diet deficient in calcium can lead to osteoporosis in later life. It has also been found that the occurrence of osteoarthritis is linked to low blood levels of Vitamin D. Supplementation of Vitamin D also leads to an increase in muscle strength thus preventing falls in older people.

Vitamin D is mainly produced in our skin by a reaction that requires sunlight. Vitamin D is found in low levels in food thus requiring exposure to the sun to receive required amounts. There are two types of Vitamin D – Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Vitamin D2 is produced in plants and enters the body through diet. Vitamin D3 is thought to be more bioactive than Vitamin D2 and is used in Blooms Vitamin D3 1000IU. There is growing evidence to suggest that the required daily amount of Vitamin D required is 1000IU, the amount found in one capsule.

Recent research has found that Australians have low blood levels of Vitamin D. 23% of women are marginally deficient in vitamin D while 80% of dark skin and veiled women have a marked deficiency. It also reported that, the average estimated dietary intake of vitamin D is ten times lower than recommended levels. A limit to exposure in sunlight has been thought to account for the reduction of Vitamin D. Supplementation provides the required amount which is unattainable from diet alone and without the dangers of exposure to sunlight.

Cautions & Interactions

Vitamin D is contraindicated to those who have hypercalcemia and those with evidence of Vitamin D toxicity. Dosages of up to 60mcg rarely cause adverse effects, however, dosages of over 100mcg may cause hypercalcemia.

Pregnant or Breastfeeding

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not exceed the upper tolerable limit of 3200IU (80mcg).

Directions for Use

Adults: Take one capsule daily.

Each soft gelatine capsule contains:

Cholecalciferol 25mcg (1000IU)
Also contains

gelatine, soya oil, glycerol & water.

Vitamins can only be of assistance if the dietary vitamin intake is inadequate.
Always read the label and only use as directed. If symptoms persist, see a healthcare professional.


Quantity in stock 5 item(s) available
Weight 0.20 kg
Price: AUD 34.95


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